547 Cty Rd E West, St. Paul MN 55126


About Environmental Sealer Supplies

Minnesota Asphalt Environmental Sealer Supplies MNLimiting global footprint.
Enviro-Kote Was designed to be manufactured with the use of non-toxic, non-hazardous, natural raw materials in the mix design. A large portion of the mix is a recycled by-product aggregate that would normally be discarded into landfills.Cutting edge formulations.
Enviro-Kote was created using lab tested raw materials ensuring compatibility with the Midwest pavement and climate conditions. Because of the freeze and thaw cycle and limited time we have to get pavement maintenance work done in this climate, it’s critical to use products that will give the you highest success possible. There are not any another comparable asphalt emulsion sealers available developed specifically for the Midwest. Enviro-Kote is an asphalt emulsion pavement sealer composed of natural occurring fillers, fibers and fortified with polymers to ensure the longest lasting pavement protection and the deepest black color all while keeping the environment in mind. Enviro-Kote is a cold applied commercial grade pavement sealer specifically designed for parking lots, playgrounds and driveways.

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